Cowboy boots that are used for many years without proper storage are likely to fade and become ugly. You definitely don’t want to wear such cowboy boots for going downtown or flirting. There are many different ways to make cowboy boots newer or to restore their appearance. Among them, the most prominent is still dyeing …
Jay Gatz
We’ve written extensively about how to stretch and break in tight cowboy boots, but we haven’t covered much on the opposite problem: what to do when your cowboy boots are too big. Shrinking cowboy boots is a bit more challenging than stretching them, and there’s a lot of information out there. But how much of …
One day you suddenly hear a squeak in your house. You are angry because you think obnoxious rats are attacking your beloved home. You walk around your house with a knife and look for the hated mouse. Oh no, the squeak doesn’t come from mice, but it comes from … your husband. More precisely, it …
Perhaps this topic will cause confusion for many people. Please try to imagine like this: The cowboy boots you bought three or four years ago used to look very elegant but recently they have become old and ugly. They no longer match your suit. You’ve left them in the corner of your house for 3 …
One of the features that make cowboy boots stand out from the rest is their height. In fact, there are very few high-heeled footwears that are as good as cowboy boots. Some of the high-shaft footwear you often see today may be variations of them. There are many controversies raising the question of why cowboy …
Why do cowboy boots have pointed toes? What sets them apart from snip toes? Join us on this fascinating exploration of traditional cowboy boots as we uncover the reasons behind their iconic pointed toe design. In the movie Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed a cowboy hunting bounty with a confident and …
In the realm of iconic American footwear, there are two distinct styles that hold a prominent place – Western work boots and cowboy boots. While cowboy boots have long been celebrated for their rich heritage, Western work boots have emerged as a new favorite for many due to their unique features and exceptional functionality. In …
As y’all know, when it comes to cowboy boots, we’ve got a whole bunch of lines to choose from—western boots, stockman boots, work boots, riding boots, walking boots, and of course, the mighty Buckaroo boots. Now, Buckaroo boots might sound unfamiliar if you’re new to the cowboy boot scene, but for us seasoned folks, they’re …
For accessories such as shoes, sandals, boots… we encounter a lot of different problems, such as boots that have not been broken in, too tight, too wide, too stiff… These things make you no longer feel comfortable when using this footwear. Especially with cowboy boots, the leather is very durable and stiff. It takes a …
You get a new pair of cowboy boots and just want to keep them shining forever. You had an old pair of cowboy boots and remember how they used to shine when you got them home. Some people enjoy the glossy look of cowboy boots. Others, however, like distressed cowboy boots and never polish their …