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How to Resole Cowboy Boots? The 6 Basic Steps

How to Resole Cowboy Boots? The 6 Basic Steps

Cowboy boots have always been a reliable companion for cowboys for more than… 10 years.

However, cowboy boots with good durability do not mean that they have no breakdown during use. And where cowboy boots are most easily broken is the sole.

The sole of cowboy boots is made from 2 materials: leather and rubber. These two types of soles are the most popular because they offer great comfort.

For cowboy boots, you will have to replace new soles once every 2 years for leather outsoles and every 4 or 5 years for rubber outsoles.

It’s about time you should change the sole of cowboy boots, but how to resole cowboy boots? Is it complicated and can you do it at home?

Below is a tutorial on how to resole cowboy boots! And all other things you need to know about resoling cowboy boots!

Let’s start!

How much does it cost to resole a pair of cowboy boots?

There are currently many cowboy boot repair shops that can resole cowboy boots, and the price usually ranges from $75 to $140 depending on where you resole cowboy boots, your cowboy boots have leather/rubber outsoles, and you want to replace half sole or whole sole.

If you want to repair the double stitch welt, you will need to pay extra cost.

Honestly, you should have cowboy boots resoled at professional repair shops or bring them to a cobbler. Because it is much more complicated to change the sole of cowboy boots than to clean, dye or stretch them.

However, before thinking of resoling your cowboy boots, here are a few things you should know!

Should you replace half or whole sole?

Half sole and whole sole

Usually, your half sole wears out faster than the heel because they are continuously exposed to the ground. As a result, some will choose to cut the soles in half and replace them, while the heel will remain intact.

However, you cannot replace half sole 2 times in a row, why?

Because the position where the sole is cut in half will be peeled quickly. For the second resole, you must replace the whole sole, not half sole.

You do not have to replace the whole sole all the time (c’mon, don’t waste your money). Remember that after replacing half sole, you must replace the whole sole.

Read more: How Long do Cowboy Boots Last?

How to resole cowboy boots?

Cowboy boots have excellent durability that few other boots have in the world. However, the sole of cowboy boots is the most exposed part to the ground where it takes a lot of abuse, so they are not as durable as other parts.

One of the most notable signs of resoling is when the sole appears holes, heels wear down and show nails. At that time you definitely need this article.

Here are ways to resole cowboy boots:

Method 1: Resole cowboy boots at home

Step 1: Prepare the tools

You need to prepare a cowboy boot repair kit, this is a must. Resoling cowboy boots takes a lot of effort, so we need the support of specialized tools.

Besides, get new soles and new heel bases for your cowboy boots.

Step 2: Break down the cowboy boots

Use pliers to pop off the heel cap and use a metal spatula/scraper to pop off the heel base.

Snip the whole nails at the heel of the cowboy boots

Use a thin knife to cut off the entire old sole. (Use knives and pliers)

Use pliers to pull the whole old sole out of cowboy boots

Now you have to make sure all the nails on the outsole of the cowboy boots have been removed.

Step 3: Sanding cowboy boots outsole and prepare new soles

Sanding the surface of the sole of the cowboy boot.

Prepare a new outsole, the new outsole must be bigger than the old cowboy boots outsole.

Remove the entire stitch from the sole of the cowboy boot to leave room for the new stitches.

 Sanding cowboy boots outsole

Step 4: Attach the new sole to the cowboy boot

Get new cork filler and use a special glue to glue the sole to cowboy boots.

Then attach the sole to the cowboy boots, making sure you stick them firmly.

Cut off the excess of the new sole. This is quite a difficult stage because the new sole is quite hard.

You can use sandpaper to rub until the new sole of the cowboy boots fits.

Use the special sewing thread to stitch the new sole firmly into the cowboy boots. This is a difficult stage, let’s use a sewing machine!

Then use the nails to nail the concave part in the middle of the sole of the cowboy boot.

Step 5: Attach heel base to new cowboy boot sole

Use nails to secure the new heel base firmly to the new sole.

Sanding the whole heel base and connecting the heel cap to it.

Then sand around the whole new sole so they fit the cowboy boots.

Step 6: Dye new soles and clean cowboy boots

Now use your favorite new color to dye your entire new sole and buff to polish the bottom. Then clean cowboy boots, that’s it.

Some big notes when resoling cowboy boots at home:

  • You should use a professional boot repair kit, which is important because using available items in your home might damage cowboy boots.
  • When replacing the sole, you should use a sole that is wider than the old sole of the boot, after attaching the new sole, cut off the excess. This ensures that the cowboy boots won’t be narrower after the resoling process.
  • You should use a machine to sew the new sole of cowboy boots, which ensures the sole does not peel off during use.
  • You should use nails to nail the heel base tightly to the sole
  • Do not change the half sole 2 times consecutively or the haft sole will peel off. After replacing the half sole, replace the whole sole next time
  • Sanding the surface before applying a new sole or heel base is a good idea

Read more: How To Waterproof Cowboy Boots?

Method 2: Find a cobbler guy

Method 2 is a lot simpler than Method 1, but keep in mind one thing: Look for a good cobbler.

Now, there are many professional shops to resole cowboy boots, but we recommend looking for reputable places.

Nushoe, for instance, is where a lot of customers of Ariat, Laredo… trust to have their cowboy boots resoled. Just send cowboy boots to them and wait.

We also recommend finding a good cobbler for sole replacement instead of doing it yourself. Unless you know what you’re doing and you’ve resole dozens of different cowboy boots.

If you’re a newbie, don’t try to change the sole of cowboy boots yourself.

Why do we insist on finding a good cobbler?

Because if you find a bad cobbler there will be two situations.

Worst case: Your cowboy boots will be damaged, lose shape and the next resoling will come very quickly. So annoying!!!

Better case: You will have to break in cowboy boots AGAIN.

Believe us, the cowboy boots’ break-in process is not fun, and you don’t go through that time again.

Tecovas boots restoration - Recraft - Snellville Shoe Repair

Can all boots be resoled?

No, not all boots can be resoled.

Before deciding to replace the sole of your boots, you should call the cobbler or boot company of your boots and describe your cowboy boots for advice.

For example, there are many Ariat cowboy boots on Amazon that they describe as resole and non-resole, you should be concerned about that.

Cowboy boots are usually very very durable and can last more than 12 years. So resoling them is inevitable.

However, if you use cowboy boots with rubber soles and don’t really wear them too much, then you don’t really need to change their soles.

Most leather sole cowboy boots are resole-able, but this is not the case with rubber sole cowboy boots.

Read more: How to Make Cowboy Boots More Comfortable

How many times can you resole boots?

You can replace the sole of cowboy boots from 3 to 5 times depending on many factors.

You can consult advice from cobblers or manufacturers to find out if your cowboy boots can be resoled or not, and how many times to resole them.

On average, cowboy boots can last more than 10 years. During 10 years, you will have to resole about 5 times without problems (If you use cowboy boots regularly and care for them properly).

How long does it take to get boots resoled?

If you use boots continuously, then you should resole boots once every 2 years for leather soles and once every 4 or 5 years if rubber soles.

When the sole appears with holes or the heel appears with nails – it means that the boot soles are very worn and need replacing.

Do not use boots that have soles worn too much, which will affect your comfort and balance when using.

Read more: How to Stop Cowboy Boots from Squeaking

Before you leave

Before you go, we again emphasize that you should be careful when resole cowboy boots, it’s not that simple.

If you own dozens (or hundreds) of cowboy boots and know what you are doing, be free! But if you are a newbie, you should research and consider it carefully when resoling yourself.

Unlike dyeing, cleaning, taking care of, shrinking or stretching, resoling cowboy boots is more complicated and requires more time and energy.

Choose specialized repair tools, don’t just grab available stuff in your house, you will probably regret doing that.

Again, good luck!

Stephen Ryan

Saturday 27th of November 2021

Thanks so much for sharing! Your article is really interesting and helpful for me, and I love it.

Stephen Ryan

Saturday 20th of November 2021

If you go out there and ask for a quotation on the cost to get boots resoled, you will get different price quotations because it will depend on several factors. Generally, you will have to shell out as low as $15 to as much as $150 to resole your work boots. Full-sole resoling service: $50 – $150 and half-sole resoling service: $30 – $70


Sunday 21st of November 2021

Thanks for your helpful information, Stephen! :)